Protect your most valuable assets
We have the expertise and know-how to safeguard your inventions, designs, trademarks and other legal issues
Nex & phister
Law & IP
Den Europæiske Patent Organisation:
Søgemaskine for publicerede patenter/ansøgninger:
Søgemaksine for PCT-publikationer:
Patent og varemærke styrelsens søgemaskine:
US Patent Office database over publicerede patenter/ansøgninger i USA:
LBKPATENT har et tæt samarbejde med NEXLAW FIRM der yder juridisk rådgivning og IP rådgivning.
Who are we?
We are a group of highly specialized and experienced advisers that are ready to provide expert help.
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We take pride in having satisfied clients and are happy to share some of the testimonials.
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If you want to hear more about our services, please feel free to contact us for a meeting free of charge.
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We consider them a very valuable asset and crucial for our business in developing known drugs for new uses and formulations, and when we are partnering with big pharma they know how to handle this.
Solural Pharma ApS
As a small but growing biotech we have to rely on patent and IP professionals that know what they are doing. They have established an outstanding circle of trust among our researches and development teams, very strong on strategic IP matters and they have handled our IPO strategy to our great satisfaction.
Galecto Inc
Nex & Phister Law & IP have become an extended integral part of the team, providing excellent strategic advice based on a deep understanding of our business and our company goals. They bring many years of industry experience from in-house counseling in pharma & biotech, and a close connection with the biotech environment.
Cyxone AB
NEX & PHISTER LAW & IP should be seen as a highly specialized and estimated sparring partner within all aspects of IPR where great emphasis is placed on personal advice and a high degree of expertise.
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Nordre Fasanvej 215
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Phone: +45 30 50 38 78
CVR: 31894220